Strategic Human Resources Management is Hands On Personnel Work
Consultancy for effective Human Resource Management

HR Human Resources + HR Hackert Resources 


We analyze and evaluate your HR Management and advise you on development and implementation of HR strategy, structure and operational organization.

In the key issues of employee recruitment and retention, we support you both strategically and operationally - nationally and internationally. Change? We support your change management.

Our work is characterized by precise analysis leading to customized concepts for you and your business. If standard, off the rack solutions are what you are after, other consultants can help you better, we focus on both the important and urgent aspects of your HR work. We avoid stand alone solutions and ensure that solutions fits both the individual issue and also other HR processes. Only a good strategy ensures  your successful HR Management. Only successful HR Management allows your strategy to work.

07/22/2013  The unemployment rate dropped to 7.5 % which left 11.7 mio of Americans that would like to work but cannot find a job (April 2013). more
07/22/2013  The unemployment rate dropped to 7.5 % which left 11.7 mio of Americans that would like to work but cannot find a job (April 2013). more
07/22/2013  The unemployment rate dropped to 7.5 % which left 11.7 mio of Americans that would like to work but cannot find a job (April 2013). more